Stock Photographer Survey We are doing research on stock photography and would like to survey stock photographers to get an idea of their engagement in the industry. Personal Information Your email address and phone number will not be published Name * Company name - if any Company Website Email Address * Phone * Stock Agencies you shoot for? * URLs to your Stock Portfolios * When did you decide to start shooting stock photography? * How did you make the decision to start shooting stock photography? * How has your photography changed since you became a stock photographer? * How do you decide what to shoot? * What shots are making you the most money? * What is your high level workflow process? * What would you change if you were to start over again as a stock photographer? * What advice would you give to an aspiring stock photographer? * Permission is doing this research for the purpose of publishing the results on, in articles published on other sites, and in an eBook on Stock Photography. Those who participate will receive a free copy of the research when it is completed. Thanks for your participation! I give permission for my answers to be published as described above. Yes No Submit Δ