My son plays High School Basketball.  He works so hard and my wife and I love to go watch him play.

Besides cheering for my son and his teammates and yelling at the referees, I have a dilemma.  What do I shoot — Video or stills.

I don’t have an outlet for my images.  I have submitted to the local newspaper, but they actually sell their images, so they only accept images from their staff photographers.  So I am shooting for my families memories.  The question is which is more appealing — video or still shots?

For the last couple of years, I have shot mostly stills.  However, this year, I am shooting mostly video.  It is a very different medium for me.  There are different things to worry about.  Panning, zooming, trying not to jerk the camera around when a sudden change of action happens, do I follow the ball or follow my son?  These are all skills that I am working to master.

How about everyone else.  Video or stills?

Let me know what you think.