As a Stock photographer, you can choose to become exclusive with one micro-stock agency or you can choose to spread your work across multiple sites. There are tons of Stock Photography sites that you can sell your photographs on.
Here is a list of some of the sites that are available:
- 123rf
- Alamy
- BigStock
- CanStockPhoto
- Clipdealer
- Crestock
- Cutcaster
- DepositPhotos
- Dreamstime
- FeaturePics
- Fotolia
- GlowImages
- GraphicLeftovers
- iStockphoto
- MostPhotos
- PantherMedia
- Photaki
- Photokore
- Pixmac
- Pocketstock
- Shutterstock
- StockFresh
- StockFuel
- Veer
- VivoZoom
- YayMicro
- Zoonar
Let me know if you have other sites that you are submitting to. Also, let me know which sites you are making the most money with.